
Molecular hydrogen is an ideal antioxidant

Molecular hydrogen is an ideal antioxidant.

Because it is the smallest (and lightest) element in the universe, our bodies are able to absorb hydrogen very easily. It can even penetrate tiny brain cells that are impossible for many antioxidants to reach. Therefore, it is particularly beneficial for brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

H2 as a selective antioxidant can reduce oxidative stress by maintaining homeostasis levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.


H2, like other gas signaling molecules (e.g. NO, CO, H2S), appears to have cell-signaling activity to provide neuroprotection, radiation protection, anti-inflammation, prevention of age-related motor decline, dementia and Parkinson’s disease, relief of menopausal symptoms, Anti-obesity, anti-allergy benefits.

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